by Craig Hanenburg | May 21, 2010 | BCO Events Committee, Email Blasts
Attention Bowmanville Neighbors! Its not too late to sign up for the June 5th BCO Street Sale. The deadline for your entry form is TODAY May 21st. We will squeeze you in if you hurry and drop off your application form to Barb Wolke at 2311 W Farragut. Please drop... by Craig Hanenburg | Mar 22, 2010 | Email Blasts
Monday March 22, 2010 Support the BCO! – Membership is about more, than paying your $12. We need neighbors to pitch in together so that we can continue to run the events & projects that benefit our community. How are you helping out? Meet some neighbors and... by Craig Hanenburg | Mar 4, 2010 | Email Blasts
(this email is going to everyone on the current BCO email list) Don’t forget this important Community meeting! Bowmanville Green Space/Park Planning Meeting This Saturday March 6th download the information flyer As part of the BCO’s quest to secure permanent... by Craig Hanenburg | Feb 15, 2010 | Email Blasts
February Open Meeting BCO Warm UP! Thursday Feb 18, 2010 7:00 – 9:00 pm North Community Bank – Bowmanville Branch located at 5241 North Western Ave Join us for the first 2010 BCO General Membership Meeting! Open to all residents and friends of... by Craig Hanenburg | Nov 13, 2009 | Email Blasts
(this email is going to everyone on the current BCO email list) Dear Bowmanville Neighbors- There has been a noticeable increase of crime in our neighborhood since the summer. The incidents have ranged from a gang related shooting back in late June, to recent...