Our Contributors
Bowmanville is turning green — thanks to you!

Tom Kennedy with the new display panel installed in Bowmanville’s new greenspace. Tom contributed production of the large sign to the cause. Special thanks to Joe Charles for his masterful framing and installation of the sign.
Thanks to longtime Bowmanville resident Tom Kennedy, a new 6-foot tall sign greeted visitors to the new greenspace on the day of the Ice Cream Social in August. Featuring a sketch created by GreenSpace Committee member Kris Neurauter, the sign illustrates the landscaping plan that emerged after a series of community brainstorming sessions in 2010. This plan is now being implemented by a newly formed Greenspace Design Group that has been meeting over the summer to identify tree and plant species for the new greenspace, map out materials needed for the Stump Stomp and Rock Walk areas, determine locations for the new rain garden, arbor and benches as well as other hardscape features. Led by Neurauter, members of the design group include Ellen Jurczak, Diana Liefer, Mary Jude Ramirez, Betty Redmond, Katy Rico, Ellen Schmidt, Dena Van der Wal, and Poonam Thaker.
GreenSpace ContributorsOur gratitude to the following individuals and businesses who contributed cash donations to help us move closer to our goal of securing permanent greenspace for Bowmanville Anonymous (4) Janet & Roy Ahlgren Bill Aldeen & Shelly Torres Nancy Alderson Judy & Richard Andersen Sarge & Wendy Andrews John P. Beaupied Larry Bell & Kaleo Staszkow Barbara Bergmann Berwyn-Bell Block Club Juliet Blumenthal Fern Bogot & Norman Wald Amy Bonanata Anne Boyle & Joe Charles Ed Bradley – Berwyn Hoyne LLC Susan Bragg Cindy Burgin Nancy Buttitta Michael & Robin Byrne BA Church & Dennis Pabich Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Corp. Marsha Cote Naomi Damask & Virginie & Eliana Linda Davis Douglas Rosen Decorative Arts & Antiques Lawrence Eddy Wendy Fairchild & Jim Kriegsmann Jo-Ann Finkelstein & Jonah Goldberg-Finkelstein David Fournier Joan Frausto-Majer Jeff Graves – Coldwell Banker Bradley & Janice Hack Craig Hanenburg Jim & Cindy Hannon Julie Hart Nora Hennessy The Hepburn Family Paul & Karen Herbert Marilyn Hiselman Mitch & Karen Hood Richard Jahnke Ellen Jurczak Jane Kamerling Megan Kanner The Kennedys Tom Kennedy & Leavett Wofford Russ Klettke Karen Kmetik Ryan & Ashley Kosztya Kraft Food Foundation (matching gift) Billy Kuczek Maureen Leahy Diana Leifer The Liss Family Little Linguist Academy Geri & Thomas Lizak Kristin & Tomislav Lokvicic Lauri Macklin Michelle Madda Joshua & Ellen Markus Irene Martinez Joe & Carrie McBreen M. Shawn McCormick Greg & Nadine McFarren The McClain-Qaiyum Family Dave Michael & Kate Connor Ben & Leila Mitchell Matt & Carrie Mitchell Lori Morlock & Taryn Bill & Stella Nanos Kris Neurauter North Community Bank Gloria Oberg Janet Palamone Sarah Palmentera-Reid Sara Parikh & Scott Baker Snehal Patel Andy & Chloe Patton Carmen M. Perez & Mary Stoppert Anthony Ponce & Maggie Rife Mary Ramirez Betty Redmond Emma Redmond John & Marcia Redmond Dawn & Jude Reshoft Dan & Diane Rico Meghan & Christopher Riley & Stella & Claire Judah Rodgon & Erin Felchner Mara Rodgon Randy Rogers Josh Samson Foster Scholhamer Charlie & Nick Sell Steve & Sue Sell Hannah & Eli Shearn Cate, Helena & Eamonn Shingler Todd & Claire Shingler Jim & Teri Simon Bob Stearn Lori Stein Jean Swoboda & Larry Delahanty Sage Torrisi Barb Upton Donna & John Urbikas Elsa Vaintzettel Michael Vernon Dennis Vickers & Vuthik Chhay & Declan Eileen Walsh Stewart & Theresa Weiss Brian & Jessica Westhoff Pam Wilcox Susan Yessne Paul Ziliak & Katie Hanson In-Kind Contributors
Our gratitude to the following individuals and businesses who contributed goods and services to help us move closer to our goal of securing permanent greenspace for Bowmanville Allied Printing Ben’s Noodles and Rice Boyle Design Associates ChristKindl Market in Lincoln Square Cindy Burgin Joe Charles City of Chicago Department of Zoning and Land Use Planning City of Chicago Department of Community Development Office of Alderman Patrick J. O’Connor Delaney Law Dominicks (Lincoln/Berwyn location) Friends of the Parks Liz Gabbard Jeff Graves – Coldwell Banker Hamburger Mary’s Craig Hanenburg Billy Kuczek Let Them Eat Chocolate Sue Michmerhuizen Carrie & Matt Mitchell NeighborSpace Kris Neurauter Robert Nicklas North Community Bank Openlands Heidi Petersen Betty Redmond ScooterWorks Claire & Todd Shingler Tempel Steel Stew Weiss Donna Urbikas – Prudential RUBLOFF Properties Garrat Van Wagenen – Vantage Appraisal Corp. Martin Wallner Zita B Kids House Parties
Special thanks to the following individuals who hosted parties to benefit our community greenspace in the past year: Berwyn-Bell Block Party Craig Hanenburg & Billy Kuczek New Year’s Day Party Liz Gabbard Birthday Party Julie Hart Green Tea Party Carrie & Matt Mitchell Chili Cook-off Cate Shingler Birthday Party Eden Weiss Birthday Party |