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(this email is going to everyone on the current BCO email list)

Dear Bowmanville Neighbors-

There has been a noticeable increase of crime in our neighborhood since the summer. The incidents have ranged from a gang related shooting back in late June, to recent break-ins, petty thefts and graffiti. Please be sure you are reporting ALL incidents to the police – we hear about many of these incidents but do not see them all listed in the police beat info. Here are some incidents that residents have brought to our attention:

· multiple attempted & successful break-ins (including daylight and early evening hours)
· smashed car windows
· theft from back yards
· increase in graffiti
· ongoing problems with door-to-door scammers
One easy way to view crime data being reported in our area is at:



(this link is setup to show all incidents in our area since August 20th, it is 5 pages of data)

What can you do?
The police commander and the CAPS liaison in our district encourage us to:
  • Continue to call 911 whenever you see someone acting suspiciously or loitering in the neighborhood
  • Call 311 to report graffiti
  • Take precautions to keep you and your possessions safe
    • lock doors and windows
    • use alarms
    • lock cars
    • Lock gates
  • Don’t assume that you and your property are safe just because you are at home
    • Use caution at all times
You can contact our CAPS liaison directly: Sgt. Jeff Sacks 312-742-8770 Ext. 119
Next CAPS meeting: December 9th, 7-8pm, St. Gregory Bingo Hall: 1609 W. Gregory

The BCO is working on setting up a ‘Neighborhood watch’ type of program in Bowmanville. We are looking for neighbors to help by becoming Block Captains. If you are willing to get involved to help keep our community safe and informed, please contact VP@bcochicago.org.


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