
The e-Bee is the email newsletter of the Bowmanville Community Organization (BCO).  

This is the first BCO e-Bee for 2010.    Feb 5, 2010  


Happy Valentines Day to our BCO Community!


BCO Warm UP!  Thursday Feb 18, 2010 – 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

North Community Bank –

Bowmanville Branch located at

5241 North Western Ave 

Join us for the first 2010 BCO General Membership Meeting! Open to all residents and friends of Bowmanville.  Warm up with a hot drink and snacks and find out what is happening in Bowmanville.

Hear about:-The Block Captain program “Know Your Neighbors”, A Public Art project, and our GreenSpace initiative and meet some local business owners

Win Raffle prizes! Visit with your neighbors! We hope to see you there.

BCO reminder – Be a Good Neighbor and keep your sidewalks shoveled! It provides safety for pedestrians and keeps your mail delivered.

Gateway Garden Vegetable Plots Available for 2010 

The Gateway Garden Vegetable Plots, at 1801 W. Balmoral, are available to gardeners interested in growing vegetables and edible plants in the 2010 growing season!  Requests will be received via gardening@bcochicago.org or at our toll free phone number 1-866-837-1006, beginning January 1, 2010 through February 13, 2010.  Gardeners must be members of the BCO ($12) to be eligible to receive a plot rental.  The cost of renting the plot has remained the same low price of $10!  Gardeners are also required to contribute a minimum of ten volunteer hours each season to the BCO community garden of their choice.  Applicants will be notified of acceptance by March 1, 2010. 

The raised beds are 10’ X 10’, and 8” deep.  Because gardeners were willing to share plots, the 18 available beds provided food to over 30 families and individuals.

Congressman Mike Quigley E-NEWSLETTER 

Congressman Mike Quigley has a newsletter that you can sign up to receive.  The current issue has information about the census and the jobs that will be available in the Chicago area.  To sign up go to his web site and click on the sign-up button.  http://quigley.house.gov/

Feb 22 is deadline for Board of Review Tax assessment complaint

The Cook County Board of Review is now accepting the Real Estate Assessed Valuation Complaint Form for residents living in the Lakeview Township.  The Bowmanville neighborhood is in the Lakeview Township.  This is your opportunity to appeal the assessed value of your property for the 2009 tax year. Even if you have already appealed with the Cook County Assessor’s office, you should also file a second complaint with the Board of Review.  The deadline to file your appeal with the Board of Review is February 22, 2010.  The Real Estate Assessed Valuation Complaint form is easy to fill out and you can pick one up at the 47th Ward office 4237 N. Lincoln Ave.  Alderman Gene Schuler’s office will also be accepting completed forms through Feb 19th, and they will deliver them to Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Barrios before the deadline.

Additionally in the recent Bowmanville Bee we published information about the city of Chicago tax relief program.  Homeowners who have a principal residence in the City of Chicago and who make $200,000 a year or less and have seen an increase in their 2008 property tax bill can receive a Visa check card from the city. Go to this link for more information to see if you qualify for $25 to $200.00 of tax relief http://webapps.cityofchicago.org/PropertyTaxReliefWeb/org/cityofchicago/taxgrant/web/begin.do

Date Set for Bowmanville Green Space/Park Planning Meeting

 As part of the BCO’s quest to secure permanent green space within our community, the BCO GreenSpace Committee will host a charrette on Saturday, March 6, 2010 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM in the Tempel Steel Training Room, 5448 North Wolcott. 

This charrette is a collaborative planning process harnessing the talents and energies of our community to create a plan for park development. This brainstorming session will help identify the community’s priorities, suggest potential uses for the open space on Bowmanville Avenue at Bell, and develop potential designs for this space at a conceptual level. The ideas generated at this meeting will help the BCO GreenSpace Committee develop a proposal that will be utilized to acquire support and funding for this project.

We are seeking input from all interested community members. Please join us in our efforts to maintain open space in Bowmanville by participating in this key meeting. If you plan to attend the meeting, please RSVP by email to Kris Neurauter at krisneurauter@gmail.com (this will help us set up chairs in the room and have enough materials for all)

For more information or to join the GreenSpace Committee, please email Greenspace@bcochicago.org or call the BCO Toll Free number at 866-837-1006.  We welcome your input. 

Alderman update 

The BCO held its latest in our ongoing series of face to face meetings with Alderman O’Connor on January 28th.   We were pleased to hear that they have launched their newly updated web site.  Check it out at www.aldermanoconnor.com.  They also maintain a contact list for ward updates via email – you can contact the ward office to be added to this list ward40@cityofchicago.org or look for online signup on their website.  We discussed graffiti in the neighborhood, as many residents notice what appears to be an uptick in this activity.  He indicated calling 311 with specific addresses of sites to be cleaned is essential to keeping up with this.  The blasting cleanup of graffiti on brick work is happening fairly quick, however cleanup requiring painting is lagging due to weather and resources.  Continue to call 311 as it will get done as they are able.  Recycling continues to be on a pickup schedule for every second week.  There have been some glitches with missed routes which they are hoping to improve upon by proposing the ward take over our recycling pickup.  Coordination of recycling pickup is currently rotated amongst various city resources.  We used this meeting opportunity to make Ald. O’Connor aware of 3 of the BCO initiatives that we are focused on this year:

  • a new block club/block captain program encouraging people to “Know Their Neighbors!” to improve information sharing for safety & social reasons
  • an initiative to acquire permanent green space within the boundaries of Bowmanville
  • an initiative around creation of some public art in the area. 

Please come to the BCO Open Meeting Feb 18th to hear more about these great projects!  Continue to contact the alderman’s office for concerns that you have regarding our community:  773-769-1195.  Let the BCO know what your issues are too so we can help with follow up. 

Positions open for Managing Editor & Layout Production Designer for the Bowmanville Community Newsletter (the Bowmanville BEE)

 The Bowmanville Community Organization (BCO) in Chicago is looking for people to fill two critical roles to keep our quarterly hardcopy community newsletter – the Bowmanville Bee – moving forward.  The newsletter format is 8 ½ x 11, 1 color (black), average 16 pages, average 16 ads with a mixture of business card, quarter page, half page ads.  

  1. Managing Editor this person would coordinate content for one or more of the quarterly issues of the Bee.  They would work with the Advertising Coordinator, Layout Designer, and contributing writers to ensure a successful Bee is published on schedule.  There is latitude for the Managing Editor to identify content and writers, themes and featured information as we evolve our newsletter.  Ideally the person who takes this role would be a community volunteer or student internship (unpaid).  This role would benefit a not for profit community organization and be an excellent way to keep skills sharp & gain experience.   
  2. Layout Production Designer – this person would take content and ads from the Managing editor and other contributors and work to lay out an exciting and professional looking newsletter according to our quarterly schedule.  There is latitude for the Layout Designer to introduce new elements into the newsletter and influence content and contributions.  The BCO has developed the Bee using both PC and MAC based software packages.  We are open to using the preferred software of the Layout Designer.  Ideally the person who takes this role would be a community volunteer or student internship (unpaid).  This role would benefit a not for profit community organization and be an excellent way to keep skills sharp & gain experience.   

Please contact us if you think you could help.  Time commitment could be for one or more issues or for an ongoing role.  We are flexible and need your expertise! 

Contact news@bcochicago.org or call the BCO hotline at 1-866 837-1006. 

For examples of past newsletters see www.bcochicago.org/bowmanville-bee-newsletter . 


BCO Summer Events!

Mark your calendar and watch for updates in the Bowmanville Bee

 14th Annual Yard/Street Sale – Saturday June 5, 2010 (9:00 AM to 4:00PM)

So now that winter is behind us it is time to think about our “Stuff”.  Most of us have said some time or another that we have too much “stuff”.  Now is your perfect opportunity to sort your “stuff” and make some cash too. Saturday, June 5, 2010 is the BCO’s 14th annual Street Sale. It will be from 9AM to 4PM.  The application is available on the BCO web site.   We will all be under one permit.  The application fee is due to Barbara Wolke by May 21. The BCO will do all the advertising.  Don’t forget that one man’s trash can be another man’s treasure.

12th Annual Bowmanville Garden Walk – Saturday July 10, 2010 (11:00 AM to 4:30 PM)

BCO Ice Cream Social – Sunday August 15, 2010 (2:00 PM to 4:00 PM) 


Get Involved:

The next CAPS meeting is scheduled for Wednesday Feb. 10 at 7:00 PM  The meeting will be held in the basement of the St. Gregory Gym building which is located on the southwest corner of Gregory and Ashland.

There is a lot of activity in the community right now.  Come out and get involved in one of our upcoming  meetings.  Email for details:

?   Membership committee Feb 8 (membership@bcochicago.org)

?   Gardening committee Feb 10 (gardening@bcochicago.org)

?   BCO open meeting Feb 18 (membership@bcochicago.org)

?   GreenSpace committee Mar 1 (greenspace@bcochicago.org)

?   GreenSpace community charrette Mar 6 (greenspace@bcochicago.org)

Be sure to visit our website www.bcochicago.org and

join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bcochicago

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