BCO 1st Friday Happy Hour

K's Dugout 1930 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

Bowmanville neighborhood, long standing community happy hour at a local establishment.


BCO Fall Community Meeting (ONLINE)


Open to ALL residents, businesses and friends of Bowmanville. Please join us to catch up on all things Bowmanville and hear from our committees.


BCO 1st Friday Happy Hour

Bowmanville neighborhood, long standing community happy hour at a local establishment.


BCO Spring 2021 Community Meeting (ONLINE)


Open to ALL residents, businesses and friends of Bowmanville. Please join us to catch up on all things Bowmanville and hear from our committees.


BCO Earth Day Spring Clean Up

Gateway Garden 5346 N Ravenswood Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

2021 BCO Earth Day Clean Up Day - Saturday, April 24th, 10a-12p. Meeting Site - Gateway Garden Expansion/1801 W. Balmoral or Green Space/5386 - 5410 N. Bowmanville Ave


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