Earth Day’s 50th Year

Earth Day is April 22nd | Arbor Day is April 24th

We were looking forward to our 3rd annual Bowmanville Clean-Up Event but, as we all know, things are not like last year. So, this year the BCO along with our neighbor Carlyn have decided to create some Earth Day activities.  Starting Wednesday April 22nd – Earth Day we will kick-off a few activities for you and your family and even your block to get involved in. Our new friends at LaGrow Organic Beer will also be a part of the fun!


Kick-off Activities

4/22: Clean-up Your Yard Contest
Now is the best time to take a look at your yard front to the parkway and in the back to the alley. We want to see how you are able to clean up these spaces. Submit and before, after, and actions shots (up to 5 photos) to the BCO Facebook page by May 6th at 6pm. We will create a photo album for you and your neighbors to vote on the best transformation. Voting will be on May 8th – 10th. A winner (& prizes) will be announced on May 12th! BCO Facebook Community section:
4/22, 4/24 or 4/29: BCO & LaGrow Organic Beer: Operation Sapling Salvation
Are you interested in growing your own fruit tree or berry bush? Jim and the LaGrow Brothers have been working to save and replant fruit trees that might have gone to waste. Learn more about their project and how you can be a part of this cool replanting project. Click on this link to sign up for their Zoom presentation:  BCO & LaGrow Organic Earth Day RSVP (opens Google Forms)
It’s Earth Day’s 50th year! Show Us Your Creativity – All Ages!
Create art from your yard or write a poem about what the earth means to you or create 50 ideas to respect the planet. Submit your work to the BCO Facebook page!
BCO Facebook Community section:


Still want to do more! The BCO will have garbage bags starting on Wednesday 4/22 at the GreenSpace, Gateway Garden under the pergola and on the stairs at Urban Pooch on Damen. Grab a trash bag and pick up trash as you take a walk with your family, while walking the dog or going on a run!

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Bowmanville Community Organization
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