Bowmanville Community Organization

The Bowmanville Community Organization (BCO) is Bowmanville’s officially recognized Chicago Neighborhood Organization.


Since its inception in 1987, the BCO has contributed to a solid foundation of community service and neighborliness, while facilitating communication within the community.

BCO MembershipGet Involved

BCO Chicago

The purpose of the Bowmanville Community Organization is to facilitate communication  within the community and with local officials and other organizations to ensure that the interests of the members of the community are being addressed.

The Mission of the BCO is to serve the Bowmanville community and engage in and carry out activities which nurture interaction and community spirit.
Bowmanville is a residential neighborhood located in the northern section of Chicago’s Lincoln Square community area. The neighborhood is home to over 1,500 residential households and a small, yet thriving industrial corridor. The Bowmanville boundaries are Ravenswood Avenue, Foster Avenue, Western Avenue and Rosehill Cemetery.

BCO (Bowmanville Community Organization) medium logo

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BCO Winter 2025 Bee

The Winter 2025 Bowmanville Bee is here. Also, please support our advertisers who are in this issue of the Bee. Thanks for reading and thanks for your support.

BCO Bowmanville Bee Winter 2025

Earth Day’s 55th Year

Earth Day is April 22nd | Arbor Day is April 25th

Two Great Ways to Celebrate Earth Day in Bowmanville

It’s Earth Day’s 55th year! Kids, teens, students...Show Us Your Creativity!

We’re looking for Bowmanville and Amundsen, Chappell, and RPMS students to create an engaging image for us to use in our emails, flyers, and social media to get our neighbors excited to do their part on Earth Day. The winner will receive a $75 Amazon eGift Certificate and be credited by name (if desired).

See Page 4 of the Winter 2025 Bowmanville Bee for details:

Tap the button below to go to the 2025 BCO Earth Day Art Submission Form. Deadline is 11:59 pm on Saturday, March 15th.

Bowmanville Earth Day Neighborhood Clean Up

To celebrate and support Earth Day 2025, the BCO will host our annual Bowmanville Earth Day Cleanup on Saturday, April 26, from 9:00 am to 12 noon.

To participate, stop by any time between 9 am and 12 noon at either:
• The BCO Gateway Garden pergola near Ravenswood and Summerdale
• The BCO GreenSpace, 5384 N Bowmanville
Look for the BCO member. You’ll receive trash bags and gloves and pick an area to clean.

Bowmanville Local Business

Check out local Bowmanville businesses. Or, as a local business owner, see how joining the BCO can help enhance your business.

BCO...what's happening

The Bowmanville Community Organization (BCO) is very active and almost always has some sort of project or activity going on.

Here’s a sneak peak of upcoming events and news. 

Upcoming Events

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Reach out to the Bowmanville Community Organization. 

Share your ideas. Meet your neighbors.

Call Us: (773) 349-2268

Spread the word.

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